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single, taken ((:
Nobody can judge me :D
i lOve HiM


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Designer: Cynna
Editor: vivien ♥
Image: Nyiokope
Host: Blogger

Thursday, March 5, 2009

tis morning after maths class went KFC at nilai town
actually Kim wanted to buy Secret Receipe cake for her sis
so Susi's sis fetch us go . thanks to her
lotsa love to uu (:

after breakfast , go Susi's room
her room ... = =lll
i tot i consider as the most messy person
i din noe " 1 mountain is higher than another mountain "
totally salute her .
she even search for her formal pants under her bed when she found out it is lost
dang !
me and jas laugh non-stop when we saw her action like tis
cute one (:

tis is her room .
sowiie , Susi ;x
we chit-chattin and gossipin inside her room
betul lah . girl memang lahir untuk gossip punye . any comment ?
and we took sum photos in her room using her 5k laptop .
5k memang 5k . the camera quality memang bagus (:
upload lor .

love growin ;x

Kim and Me .
thx Susi for sponsorin her sun-glasses ;x

the 4 of us .

cheeeseee ;D

Susi wearin my spec

negative ;x

solo time xD

addicted . hehee
can't upload too much photos
the line in hostel sux ;x
after class , went Times buy hotdog and eggs .
we gonna masak sendiri , makan sendiri . hohohoho


see . i know cook 1 ;x
the sausages and eggs somehow makes my stomach a lil bit mess ;x
dunno wat's wrong .
las time cook spaghetti also lidat . = =
alright . forget abt it .___.
after dinner , went bkb court
aww ~ it's too late
tournament ended );
but still , i manage to saw him (:
the one tat i stated las time in my msn , i love his dimples
only dimples hor .
i nvr mention anything ;x
have a walk wit Susi for a while and finally i am back to hostel
miss here sooooo muchie )":
sayang force me to take the cough medicine
it don't taste good although it is chocolate vanilla flavour
it taste sux instead of nice .____.
2moro got 2 to 4 pm class . after that , bub-bye to my fren
everyone back jor . left me alone at Inti .
i will only back to klang on Saturday morning .
and after that bak on Monday .
and again , bak on Wednesday due to the SPM result will be release on Thursday
tat's what i heard .
i din noe when is the actual date .
someone kindly tell me the actual date of SPM result releasing please .
it is very urgent and important
i need to take leave . i don wanna get love letter from Inti ):
u guys won't be so cruel , will u ? ;x
cya nxt time .
won't be too long for our next meet
muahhhs , wit love <3